Friday, January 25, 2013

The Big Bang Came and Went. Now What?

I’ve created this blog in an attempt to accomplish something, or really, anything for that matter. Isn’t that in fact the struggle for all people in their early twenties? Well, I guess it’s something we all face. We want to feel, and I mean really feel, within the depths of our souls, that we made our lives worth something. We want to make it through this short period of  time we do have knowing we lived every day to it’s full potential. We want it to matter in a way that truly resonates with the Self, the Universe, God, your parents, your kids, your spouse, your partner, your one-eyed cat, or what the hell ever floats your boat. This thing, or this feeling, is not anything that can be measured or quantified, but, well I suppose I’m getting a bit carried away on the meaning of life... So, let’s backtrack a little.

I am the living, breathing stereotype of the recent graduate from x-major university who moves back in with their parents and must find a way out to self reliance A.S.A.P. I started working my first job as an adult days after graduating high school, worked another two throughout my education. I also took on two internships in my field, paid and unpaid, more commercial and more artistic, tech based and analog based, running around and sitting at a computer, blah blah, you get the idea. It happens all over the country. Now I’m out in the work force, and not only do I have oodles of free time, but I’m supposed to actually find something to do with it. I’ve created this blog to find out what that next step just may be.

This is a dilemma, because, to me, this matters. I see people in all corners of my life finding what they love, and are always working at something on the side. Why? Because they love it!

The whole function of this blog is my form of self help, or less depressingly, self motivation. I’ve been in the real world for a little over a month now, and I’m anxious and excited as hell to find my path, or more realistically, make my path. This isn’t me, as we like to say in Philly, “bitching” about it, but rather organizing and recognizing that “it” is real. Are you feeling my hippy vibe here? I’ve reached a new point in life, but we all have that. All of us, at all ages, for all reasons, to all different variations of conclusion, or really, different kinds of continuum, in order to solve the great mystery. We’re all looking for self-created satisfaction. I’ve got so many ways, ideas, and realities buzzing around in my head that now time is flying by, and what has happened? Instead, this blog is here to keep track of myself.

I need a summary, something to look back on that’s in more of my control than facebook. I don’t currently work out, I’m in the training process at my job, which I do love, I’m at home, I’m awaiting tens of thousands in collegiate debt to kick in, and I’m trying to budget a start in something, I dunno, whatever feels right with my significant other. I’m trying to remedy this, and then push further on, and this is my tool to keep track of it. My own little public journal. I have no idea what the future holds for me. Wish me luck, and I hope the insight from my life helps to serve you in yours.

So, for now, Carpe Diem!

P.S. Tip 1, this is not an advertisement. If you’re sitting at home and want a mix of some good slide and standard guitar instrumentals, go onto the Spotify app, (unless you’re against it, which is entirely reasonable) and look up “Guitar Instrumental”. You will not regret it. It’s fun, deep, sometimes whimsical, doesn’t have the slightest offensive edge to it, and goes on for about 17 hours. Enjoy.

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