Alright, I will be posting about said books mentioned in the previous post soon, but for now I'll supply you with an explanation as to why exactly this would even be a part of this blog.
My wonderful significant other has been on this great journey in the past few months. Initially everything started when he began tearing himself apart at an accelerated rate about how he didn't know how to attack his long term aspiration to become a writer. He read books about how to get started, how to deal with editors, and so forth, but still struggled putting pen to paper without killing himself over it. Eventually, a published friend of ours, who went to Pitt and majored in English, mentioned this annual November writing self challenge called NaNo WriMo (National Novel Writers Month). In this, he has made a serious push to keep up with his dream of becoming a successful novelist, writing 1,667 words a day, leveling out to the 50,000 word goal by the end of the month. He's got a cute little plastic trophy, about two inches in height sitting below his iMac, reminding him to write as much as possible, and to keep up with his long term novel writing goals. It's a small reminder, but that cheap plastic trophy is a true treasure won. Also, as to further motivate himself, he has gone further and now meets up with the Philly NaNo WriMo group when he can. Even a step further than that, he has also created a local chapter in the area which he attends to as religiously as a true Catholic to mass, going at least once a week.
This makes me proud, but still I'm unsure of my goals. Back to the point of the blog, I'm finding what I want in life, and this is part of the journey. Well, to start something off, and keep my literacy continuous, I'm again taking the advice of that same friend from Pitt. Being a person with long term goals, she's made an effort to read one new book every week. Now, most of this is to give her mind a break from her extreme work schedule, coupled with the ever present need to keep up with the times and remain as educated/competitive as possible. This sounds pretty crazy, but hey, why not. I'll have a long term goal sometime, so might as well start now. I'll be trying to post on the topic of a new book once a week, with the exception, of course, which may arise with a heavy work schedule or crazy, long book.
Wish me luck, and stay tuned.
P.S. If there is anyone out there who dares to comment, a sad rarity in todays blogging culture, please feel free to suggest any good books out there which you'd like to hear a review on before you read. The review could take about two weeks, and will obviously be subject to my own bias.
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