I got all the info on how to do this, as well at the time lapse templates for Lightroom 4, from this site here, StillFrameMyLife. If you know very little about Lightroom, then you're in luck! He goes over every step, even if slightly painfully so, but the positive side is that this makes it easy to follow. He does reference this Pixiq page, which is where he learned it, as well as where you grab your free to download presets with matching instructions. Again, this is for Lightroom 4. I'm not sure how it would work for Lr3 personally, but I don't discourage the attempt in the least if that happens to be what you're working with at the moment.
A side mention of great importance, if you do use this. When you're at Pixiq, make sure you pay great importance to where you're looking when you do place in the templates. In both movements of placement and finding them, make sure you remember to be snooping around slideshow, instead of the usual, Library.
No, with that in mind, please enjoy!
Post Script: This isn't the clearest in the world. I'm guessing it has something to do with how the file is uploaded by blogger, but I'm still excited I did this without a clue or assistance!
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